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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Wed Jan 24, 2018 8:02 pm

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well!

Mark your calendars now for the 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch & Planning Meeting:

A message from Michal Vachuska, SacVCOA Planning Committee:

Hello everyone!

You are invited to join us for the 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, and Planning Meeting on Saturday, March 24, 2018 starting at 10:00A.

EuroTech is a local shop specializing in all phases of Volvo diagnostics, service, and repairs. The owner, Peter Mausolff, has many years as a Volvo tech.  The session will be a free flow format with Peter and his staff available to answer questions, take a look at your car, or even get it on a lift to check out that issue you have been avoiding.  So, bring your immaculate, dirty, dinged, vintage, new, or barely alive Volvo!

There is no charge for this event.

We are looking for someone (or a few people) to donate coffee and/or donuts. If you would like to do so, please indicate this in your RSVP for the event and we will give you an up-to-date head count for the Tech Session.

After the Tech Session, we will have Lunch and the Planning Meeting at a nearby Chinese restaurant.

Please RSVP by March 22, 2018.

Meeting Location:

Tech Session:
3259 Monier Circle, #100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742

Lunch / Planning Meeting:
Lots of Luck Chinese Restaurant
3084 Sunrise Blvd # 12
Rancho Cordova, CA
(916) 858-1525

Google Map (will open in new tab/window):

Meeting Time:
Tech Session: 10:00A
Lunch / Planning Meeting to follow (~1P)

Tech session: Free!
Lunch: TBD by menu choices, but you will need to cover your own lunch costs.

-Coffee and/or Donut Volunteer(s) needed. Please indicate your interest in your RSVP for the event and we will give you an up-to-date head count for the Tech Session.  
-Lunch to follow Tech Session
-Rain or Shine!

Event Flyer:

SacVCOAFlyerEuroTech_March18 (Google Doc at Google Drive):

Preview will be available on the website here (after the January 27th Cars & Coffee Event):

RSVP by 3/22:
Contact Michal Vachuska, Event Coordinator

Looking forward to seeing you all on March 24th!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:29 pm

Hi Everyone,

Follow and/or set personalized notifications / reminders for this event by adding it to your Calendar and/or Facebook Events:

Sac Volvo Club Calendar:

Sac Volvo Club Event Facebook Page (RSVP and/or join the discussion):

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:58 pm

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well and looking forward to the 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting in Rancho Cordova on Saturday, March 24, 2018!

The EuroTech Tech Session / Cars & Coffee runs from 10:00A to 1:00P and is a great opportunity to put your Volvo on the lift and check things out before Davis!

Volunteers are still needed to purchase / donate coffee and donuts for the EuroTech Tech Session.

If interested, please note this in your RSVP​.​

​The Lunch & Planning Meeting will be at Lots of Luck Restaurant and runs from 1:00P to 3:00P.​

Google Map (will open in new tab / window):

Please RSVP by Thursday, March 22, 2018.

Contact Michal Vachuska, Event Coordinator

Full Details:

Event Flyer (Google Doc at Google Drive):

Event Flyer Web Page:

Event Facebook / Discussion:

Looking forward to seeing you all on March 24th!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:52 pm

​Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well!

This Saturday's forecast is currently partly cloudy and ​58​ degrees.

A fantastic day to bring your Volvo, camera, and ideas to the ​10​th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting!

Just a quick friendly reminder, if you haven't already done so, please​ RSVP to Michal Vachuska, Event Coordinator, before March ​22nd:

​And, please let him know if you can donate coffee or donuts in your RSVP.​

Google Map (will open in new tab/window):

Event Flyer (Google Doc at Google Drive):

Facebook event / discussion:

See you at EuroTech on the ​24​th starting at 10:00A!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Thu Mar 22, 2018 1:35 pm

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are well and looking forward to the 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting this Saturday, March 24th!

Coffee and Donut Volunteers have been found for the EuroTech Event!

Please be sure to thank them on Saturday!

Shout out to our event volunteers:

Thank you for your generous donut donations!

Thank you for your generous coffee donations!

Google Map (will open in new tab/window):

Event Flyer (Google Doc at Google Drive):

Facebook event / discussion:

See you at EuroTech on the ​24​th starting at 10:00A!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

Post by volvie! Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:14 pm

Hi Everyone,

The weather and turnout were great!
Thank you to everyone that came out to enjoy the event!

Event Kudos:

Thank you for your generous donut donations!

Thank you for coordinating this event and your generous coffee donations!

Thank you for hosting these Tech Sessions!

We look forward to seeing you all at the next event!

Take care,

Posts : 482

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March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting Empty Re: March 24, 2018: 10th Annual EuroTech Tech Session, Lunch, & Planning Meeting

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