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Share volvo vida dice using guide

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Post by samlok Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:46 pm

Hello cheers .This post may help someone who has problems in vida dive using.
It is a guide to install volvo vida dice:

You can also read this PDF,it also has some useful info.
Related Download Files:
volvo-vida-installation-guide-english[1].pdf (1,167.1K)


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Post by volvie! Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:42 pm

Hi samlok,

Welcome to the forum!
Thank you for sharing this tip!


Hi Everyone,

Since this is an informational / educational site, it should be noted that the links samlok listed are a business / sales website not related to Volvo, so full caveat emptor ("let the buyer beware") applies-- make sure you do your research before clicking the links / purchasing from a non-Volvo site.

In an effort to help in this endeavor, here are some information and links:

First, note that VIDA (Vehicle Information and Diagnostics for Aftersales) is a technical information and diagnostic data base / software download designed for mechanics and is thus more expensive than the paperback repair manuals designed for the basic DIY-ers.

Most of the information on VIDA can be found on the Volvo Cars North America Technical & Owner Book Store Home Page (look for VIDA updates on right of page and VIDA drop down menu on top of the page in navigational menu):

"This is VIDA" (first page in VIDA drop down menu on VCNA T&O Book Store Home Page):

As samlok noted with the links supplied, the VIDA database / software and DICE (Diagnostic Communication Equipment) hardware is available at locations other than through Volvo (pricing and service may vary, so make sure you research the company / internet site you are considering ordering from as well as the product!).

If you would prefer to order the DICE hardware from Volvo or a Volvo recommended retailer, here is a link to the Volvo Cars of North America Special Tools Page:

To order Volvo Special Tools, call 1-800-345-3399, Option 1, Tools cannot be ordered on-line.
Service Solutions
28635 Mound Road
Warren, Michigan 48092-3499
1-800-345-3399, Option 1

And, here is a link to the PDF (35 pages) installation instructions (including part numbers) for the DICE hardware:

If you have any further questions about this product, what it can do, whether it is for you / your skill level, whether it will work with your computer set-up etc., I would advise you to search for your answers and/or address your questions to the Swedespeed community, the Official Community of the Volvo Club of America, as many members have and use this product and can better answer those type of questions:

For example:

Hope that helps,

Last edited by volvie! on Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Share volvo vida dice using guide Empty Re: Share volvo vida dice using guide

Post by volvie! Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:51 pm

Hi Everyone,

A related video from ipd, Volvo parts and accessories retailer:

The video overviews the Volvo manuals they have for sale but at about 2:36 they start to discuss what to do if you have a newer Volvo model that does not have a DIY printed manual (mention VADIS, VIDA, alternative options, Volvo, Volvo Tech Info, Volvo Forums):

Hope that helps provide another viewpoint on this subject.

Take care,

Last edited by volvie! on Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by abirishi Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:10 pm

Volvo VIDA DICE Installation Tips:

1. Run the CD-ROM ,<\Install\DVD\Vida_dvdheader\Main\setup.exe>,Choose the languages:[EN-GB...], install it to list, till all installations finished ,then restart the computer.
2. After restarted, once the service icon(The bottom of the right corner) is available(VIDA Status: Running) , and choose the below cracked executing documents [VIDA2013A_patch.EXE], install it to list, then retart the computer.
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Post by volvie! Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:17 pm

Hi Everyone,

The Volvo Technical and Owner Bookstore of Volvo Cars North America has updated their website with an important notice about pirated DICE products and illegal VIDA versions:

Pirated DiCE products are becoming increasingly common. These units are mostly available from aftermarket sources and websites. These units commonly cost between one half to two thirds the Volvo price, sometimes including an illegal version of VIDA. Technically, the units are of much less quality and they have been proven to introduce diagnostics and fault tracing issues, as well as new problems into the vehicle. All of which will result in repair delays and customer dissatisfaction.

Most importantly, Volvo will not provide support to customers using these units. Volvo can only support DiCE tools manufactured to our standards from SPX or those based on J2534-2 certifications. Pirated units can be tracked through data sent back through our central systems.

Main Website:
(For full VIDA links and updates)

If you have any questions about VIDA, DICE and if it is right for you, your skill level, or your car, search through the Volvo Forums:

Hope that helps!

Take care,

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Post by andera Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:02 pm

Thank you for sharing, Now the newest version is 2014A. Volvo VIDA DICE is really a good diagnostic tool for Volvo car. if you own a volvo car, don't miss this tool! cheers


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